« 70 Topic Ideas for A 5-Minute Presentation | トップページ | How to Write A Critical Thinking Essay? »

2021年10月 7日 (木)

60 Topic Ideas for Your 5 Min Impromptu Speech


Impromptu speeches have a preparation time of about one to three minutes. However, the actual time may last for about three to five minutes. Such type of speeches is generally known as being a part of the speech and debate competitions but can be found in a public speaking course. Make sure that the speech engages the audience.

There is an infinite number of topics you could choose. You can also use free paper writer service online to get assistance.

Now, let us also compile a list of various topics that you may want to use for your speech. Choose a few of them to come up with a topic of your own creation.

  • I spoke about myself
  • Interlinking of rivers in India
  • Saving wildlife in India
  • Fear of public speaking and how did I overcome it?
  • My crush story in the college
  • Subhash Chandra Bose mystery
  • Facebook marketing 
  • Why should we read books??
  • Why is a good sense of humor important?
  • Real learning takes place outside the classroom.
  • My biggest fear write me an essay….
  • My greatest hope for the future is….
  • Discuss your favorite book, music, movie, etc.
  • The pros and cons of school uniforms.
  • Climate change - How far we have come and we can do?
  • Child labor.
  • How has media and technology influenced young minds?
  • Importance of “Value Education “.
  • Role of celebrity in changing the society, if he/she has a strong fan base.
  • What if there was no Facebook/Google/Wikipedia/YouTube or internet at present?
  • What if there all gave up arms?
  • The value of “x” which is behind us since childhood.
  • What if there were smart villages?
  • India’s uniqueness.
  • Which is my favorite of the five senses?
  • If I were the opposite sex, I would have…
  • If I had a mission statement
  • People mostly stereotype…
  • Why do some teenagers develop the habit of smoking?
  • If you are the prey and convince the predator to not eat you.
  • A favorite nickname of yours
  • Three uses for a product other than its intended use.
  • If you were a salesperson, sell the audience a piece of your clothing.
  • The most difficult thing I’ve ever done
  • My best job ever
  • Explain the rules to your favorite game.
  • Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
  • How to make a pizza?
  • How to make your favorite meal?
  • How to be a beekeeper?
  • Ghosts you would like to meet
  • The morality of zoos
  • Dogs are better than cats 
  • Discuss your favorite movie, book, etc.
  • Your first essay writer free service
  • Real vs. fake Christmas trees
  • Bottles vs. cans
  • Should smoking be allowed in public spaces?
  • Review the last movie you saw.
  • Your favorite hybrid animals
  • Speed dating
  • The most successful person you know
  • How to buy a car
  • Your favorite smartphone app
  • How to become a comedian
  • Violence on TV
  • Uniforms in school
  • Three things you do well
  • Lying is never a good idea. Why?
  • The Importance of Teachers and, their undervaluation in society.

Hopefully, some of these topics will be able to inspire you to craft a quick impromptu speech to impress your audience.

If you’re already taking a class to improve your public speaking ability, it will help you overcome your fear by alleviating your anxiety. Nevertheless, if you still need any professional help, contact a free essay writing service writer to write a well-structured speech for you.


Useful Resources:

Where Can I Find the Best Essay Writer?

Can I Hire an Essay Writer Online to Write My Essay?

How to Get an Essay Writer Help Online?

Should I Work With a Cheap Essay Writer Online

« 70 Topic Ideas for A 5-Minute Presentation | トップページ | How to Write A Critical Thinking Essay? »

